Momwe Mungaphike Pasitala mu Pressure Cooker

Tonse timadziwa momwe zimakhalira zosavuta kuphika pasitala pa stovetop, pasitala imakonda kuphulika ikawiritsidwa, ndipo wophika kunyumba aliyense amatsuka pasitala wokhuthala panthawi ina pa ntchito yawo yophikira atatha kuwira.Mukaphika pasitala mu chophika chokakamiza, simuyenera kuyang'ana kapena kuyang'anira kutentha pansi pa mphika.Imaphika mofulumira komanso mosayang'aniridwa mu chophika chokakamiza.Kuonjezera apo, mukhoza kuphika pasitala ndi msuzi mwachindunji mu chophika chokakamiza, kotero kuti simukusowa kuchitapo kanthu mu Chinsinsi ndikupanga mphika wowonjezera kuti muyeretsedwe, lero ndikupangira chophika chokakamiza DGTIANDA (BY-Y105) Chophika chamagetsi chamagetsi.

Chophikira chamagetsi chamagetsi ichi chimakupatsani mwayi wopanga chilichonse kuyambira maapuloauce mpaka saladi ya mbatata mukangodina batani, ndipo Instant Pot imakupatsani mwayi wopanga chilichonse kuyambira maapuloauce mpaka saladi ya mbatata.Mutha kugwiritsanso ntchito ndi maphikidwe otsatirawa a chakudya chamadzulo a pasitala.Ingotsanulirani zosakaniza mumphika ndikudina batani.Ngakhale mbale iyi singakhale yachikhalidwe kapena yowona, ndi yabwino ngati mukufuna kudya bwino mkati mwa mphindi 30.Werengani kuti mupange pasitala wachanguwa mu Instant Pot yanu.

How to Cook Pasta in a Pressure Cooker

Zomwe mukufunikira:
pot yomweyo
8 ounces pasitala
2 tbsp mafuta a maolivi
1/2 chikho chodulidwa anyezi
2 teaspoons akanadulidwa adyo
1 pounds Turkey kapena ng'ombe
Supuni 1 mchere
Supuni 2 zokometsera za ku Italy
1/4 supuni ya supuni ya tsabola wakuda pansi
2 makapu msuzi kapena madzi
24 ounces pasta msuzi
14.5 oz akhoza kudula tomato
1. Onjezerani mafuta a azitona ndi anyezi ku Instant Pot.Khalani ku "sauté" ndi kuphika kwa mphindi zitatu kapena mpaka kununkhira.Onjezerani minced adyo ndikuphika kwa masekondi ena 30.

2. Add ground meat. Cook for about 5 to 7 minutes, until browned and no longer pink. Cook the meat with a wooden spatula. When cooked, turn off the Instant Pot. Drain grease if needed. 3. Add 1/2 cup broth or water. Scrape the bottom of the pan with a wooden spoon or spatula; this will help keep the meat from burning and sticking to the pan.   4. Cut the spaghetti in half. Place in the pot and layer the noodles in a criss-cross pattern. This will help reduce clumping.   5.Add the rest of the soup or water, spaghetti sauce and canned tomatoes (with liquid). Pour these ingredients into the center of the pot. Again, this will minimize burning.  6.Press and eat until most, if not all, of the noodles are submerged.Do not stir the pasta.    6. Close the lid and seal the valve. Set to "Pressure Cook" for 8 minutes. It takes about 10 minutes for the Instant Pot to reach the correct pressure, and then it will start the countdown. The Instant Pot will beep 8 minutes after it's done. Use the quick release to relieve pressure. The Instant Pot will release a rapid flow of pressure, so make sure your face or hands are not near the valve.

2. Onjezani nyama yapansi.Kuphika kwa mphindi pafupifupi 5 mpaka 7, mpaka mutasungunuka ndipo musakhalenso pinki.Kuphika nyama ndi matabwa spatula.
Mukaphikidwa, zimitsani Instant Pot.Chotsani mafuta ngati kuli kofunikira.
3. Onjezerani 1/2 chikho msuzi kapena madzi.Pewani pansi pa poto ndi supuni yamatabwa kapena spatula;izi zidzathandiza kuti nyama isapse ndi kukakamira poto.

2. Add ground meat. Cook for about 5 to 7 minutes, until browned and no longer pink. Cook the meat with a wooden spatula. When cooked, turn off the Instant Pot. Drain grease if needed. 3. Add 1/2 cup broth or water. Scrape the bottom of the pan with a wooden spoon or spatula; this will help keep the meat from burning and sticking to the pan.   4. Cut the spaghetti in half. Place in the pot and layer the noodles in a criss-cross pattern. This will help reduce clumping.   5.Add the rest of the soup or water, spaghetti sauce and canned tomatoes (with liquid). Pour these ingredients into the center of the pot. Again, this will minimize burning.  6.Press and eat until most, if not all, of the noodles are submerged.Do not stir the pasta.    6. Close the lid and seal the valve. Set to "Pressure Cook" for 8 minutes. It takes about 10 minutes for the Instant Pot to reach the correct pressure, and then it will start the countdown. The Instant Pot will beep 8 minutes after it's done. Use the quick release to relieve pressure. The Instant Pot will release a rapid flow of pressure, so make sure your face or hands are not near the valve.

4. Dulani spaghetti pakati.Ikani mu mphika ndikusanjikiza Zakudyazi mu criss-cross pattern.Izi zidzathandiza kuchepetsa kugwa.


5.Onjezani ena onse a supu kapena madzi, spaghetti msuzi ndi tomato zamzitini (ndi madzi).Thirani zosakaniza izi pakati pa mphika.Apanso, izi zidzachepetsa kuyaka.

Sakanizani ndikudya mpaka zambiri, ngati si zonse, zamira. Osayambitsa pasitala.


6. Tsekani chivindikiro ndikusindikiza valve.Ikani "Pressure Cook" kwa mphindi 8.Zimatenga pafupifupi mphindi 10 kuti Instant Pot ifike kukakamiza koyenera, kenako imayamba kuwerengera.
Instant Pot idzalira pakatha mphindi 8 ikatha.Gwiritsani ntchito kumasulidwa mwamsanga kuti muchepetse kupanikizika.Instant Pot idzatulutsa kuthamanga kwachangu, choncho onetsetsani kuti nkhope yanu kapena manja anu sali pafupi ndi valve.


7. Kukakamiza konse kukatulutsidwa, yatsani Instant Pot.Spaghetti imawoneka yothamanga.izi ndizabwinobwino!Tsekani Instant Pot.Sakanizani pasitala ndikusiya kuti ipume kwa mphindi 10.Pambuyo kuzirala, msuzi umakhuthala.


Pomaliza ikani pasitala pa mbale ndikusangalala ndi mphindi zomaliza zokoma

Nthawi yotumiza: Jan-17-2022